CLOUDS API Locations
EBCI: Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indian Tower
Cherokee,Swain County,NC
EBCI Latest Conditions Overview
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Station Active
Station Start Date
Station End Date
Surface Dewpoint Temperature 58.5 F
Surface Relative Humidity 49.4 %
Surface Accumulated Precipitation 0 in
Surface Wind Speed 2.8 mph
Surface Wind Direction 98.8 degree
Surface Cardinal Wind Direction E
Surface Wind Gusts 5.4 mph
Latitude35.4987 degrees North
Longitude-83.31031 degrees East
Elevation1978 Feet
Parameter Timeline
No Parameter Timeline is Available for EBCI
Station Metadata
Climate Division CodeNC01 Station Geometry
Climate Division NameSouthern Mountains Station Geometry
USGS HUC Watershed Code0601020302 Station Geometry
USGS HUC Watershed NameOconaluftee River Station Geometry
USGS HUC Subwatershed Code060102030207 Station Geometry
USGS HUC Subwatershed NameLower Oconaluftee River Station Geometry
USGS HUC Region Code06 Station Geometry
USGS HUC Region NameLittle Tennessee Station Geometry
USGS HUC Subregion Code0601 Station Geometry
USGS HUC Subregion NameUpper Tennessee Station Geometry
USGS HUC Basin Code060102 Station Geometry
USGS HUC Basin NameUpper Tennessee Station Geometry
USGS HUC Subbasin Code06010203 Station Geometry
USGS HUC Subbasin NameTuckasegee Station Geometry
River BasinLittle Tennessee Station Geometry
CityCherokee Station Metadata
CountySwain County Station Metadata
Station Active Yes Station Metadata
Station End Date2024-09-16 Station Metadata
Station Start Date2023-06-27 Station Metadata
Daily Data Available No Station Metadata
Hourly Data Available Yes Station Metadata
End Date for Hourly Data2024-09-16 Station Metadata
Start Date for Hourly Data2023-06-27 13:00:00 Station Metadata
Minute Data Available Yes Station Metadata
End Date for Minute Data2024-09-16 Station Metadata
Start Date for Minute Data2023-06-27 12:30:00 Station Metadata
Normal Data Available No Station Metadata
Special Data Available No Station Metadata
Elevation1978 Feet Station Metadata
Latitude35.4987 degrees North Station Metadata
Location ID CodeEBCI Station Metadata
WIMS ID- Station Metadata
Location NameEastern Band of the Cherokee Indian Tower Station Metadata
Network TypeECOExt Station Metadata
Supporting Agency for LocationNorth Carolina State Climate Office and the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indian Station Metadata
Longitude-83.31031 degrees East Station Metadata
StateNC Station Metadata
Station Data
GroupParameter NameCodeValueTypeTime
Observation Metadata Battery Voltagebattery12.81 V Observation Metadata
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Observation Metadata Observation Datetimeob2024-09-16 15:10:00 EST Observation Metadata
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Observation Metadata Observation Type
Observation Type
obtypeO Observation Metadata
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Air Temperature (2m)
Air Temperature at 2 meters
airtemp78.6 F Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
wbgt73.9 F Calculation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011 at 2m)
Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) at 2 meters
wetbulbtemp2m65.6 F Calculation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Surface Dewpoint Temperature
Dewpoint Temperature nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 2 meters
dewtemp58.5 F Calculation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Air Temperature (2m)
Average Air Temperature at 2 meters
airtempavg67.1 F Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Air Temperature (2m)
Average Air Temperature at 2 meters
airtempavg66.5 F Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Air Temperature Maximum Air Temperature (2m)
Maximum Air Temperature at 2 meters
airtempmax83.7 F Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Minimum Air Temperature (2m)
Minimum Air Temperature at 2 meters
airtempmin58.1 F Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Minimum Air Temperature (2m)
Minimum Air Temperature at 2 meters
airtempmin2m58.1 F Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Surface Dewpoint Temperature
Average Dewpoint Temperature nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 2 meters
dewtempavg59.5 F Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Surface Dewpoint Temperature
Average Dewpoint Temperature nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 2 meters
dewtempavg59.5 F Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Air Temperature Maximum Surface Dewpoint Temperature
Maximum Dewpoint Temperature nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 2 meters
dewtempmax63.3 F Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Minimum Surface Dewpoint Temperature
Minimum Dewpoint Temperature nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 2 meters
dewtempmin56.4 F Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
Average Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
wbgtavg65.8 F Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
Average Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
wbgtavg65.4 F Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Air Temperature Maximum Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
Maximum Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
wbgtmax79.1 F Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Minimum Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
Minimum Wet Bulb Globe Temperature using NDFD method from Boyer 2022
wbgtmin57.8 F Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011)
Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) nearest WMO standard height
wetbulbtemp65.6 F Calculation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011)
Average Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) nearest WMO standard height
wetbulbtempavg62 F Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011)
Average Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) nearest WMO standard height
wetbulbtempavg61.9 F Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Air Temperature Average Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011 at 2m)
Average Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) at 2 meters
wetbulbtempavg2m62 F Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Average Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011 at 2m)
Average Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) at 2 meters
wetbulbtempavg2m61.9 F Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Air Temperature Maximum Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011)
Maximum Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) nearest WMO standard height
wetbulbtempmax67.9 F Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Maximum Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011 at 2m)
Maximum Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) at 2 meters
wetbulbtempmax2m67.9 F Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Minimum Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011)
Minimum Surface Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) nearest WMO standard height
wetbulbtempmin57.5 F Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Temperature Minimum Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011 at 2m)
Minimum Wet Bulb Temperature (Stull 2011) at 2 meters
wetbulbtempmin2m57.5 F Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Pressure Surface Station Pressure
Surface Station Pressure
airpres948.6 mb Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Pressure Average Surface Station Pressure
Average Surface Station Pressure
airpresavg951.41 mb Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Pressure Average Surface Station Pressure
Average Surface Station Pressure
airpresavg951.48 mb Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Air Pressure Maximum Surface Station Pressure
Maximum Surface Station Pressure
airpresmax952.7 mb Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Air Pressure Minimum Surface Station Pressure
Minimum Surface Station Pressure
airpresmin948.5 mb Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Humidity Surface Relative Humidity
Relative Humidity at Default Height
rh49.4 % Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Humidity Average Surface Relative Humidity
Average Relative Humidity at Default Height
rhavg78.89 % Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Humidity Average Surface Relative Humidity
Average Relative Humidity at Default Height
rhavg80.08 % Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Humidity Maximum Surface Relative Humidity
Maximum Relative Humidity at Default Height
rhmax100 % Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Humidity Minimum Surface Relative Humidity
Minimum Relative Humidity at Default Height
rhmin42.2 % Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Precipitation Surface Accumulated Precipitation
Accumulated Precipitation nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 1 meter
precip0 in Accumulation (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Surface Wind Speed
Wind Speed nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
windspeed2.8 mph Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Surface Wind Direction
Wind Direction nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
winddir98.8 degree Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Surface Cardinal Wind Direction
Cardinal Wind Direction nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
winddir_cardE Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Average Surface Wind Direction
Average Wind Direction nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
winddiravg183.9 degree Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Average Surface Wind Direction
Average Wind Direction nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
winddiravg187 degree Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Maximum Surface Wind Direction
Maximum Wind Direction nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
winddirmax354.5 degree Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Minimum Surface Wind Direction
Minimum Wind Direction nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
winddirmin0 degree Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Average Surface Wind Speed
Average Wind Speed nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
windspeedavg1.1 mph Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Average Surface Wind Speed
Average Wind Speed nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
windspeedavg0.8 mph Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Maximum Surface Wind Speed
Maximum Wind Speed nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
windspeedmax10 mph Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Speed & Direction Minimum Surface Wind Speed
Minimum Wind Speed nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
windspeedmin0 mph Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Direction of Surface Wind Gust
Direction of Surface Wind Gust
gustdir- Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Average Direction of Surface Wind Gust
Average Direction of Surface Wind Gust
gustdiravg- Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Average Direction of Surface Wind Gust
Average Direction of Surface Wind Gust
gustdiravg- Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Wind Gust Maximum Direction of Surface Wind Gust
Maximum Direction of Surface Wind Gust
gustdirmax- Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Minimum Direction of Surface Wind Gust
Minimum Direction of Surface Wind Gust
gustdirmin- Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Surface Wind Gusts
Wind Gusts nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
gustspeed5.4 mph Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Average Surface Wind Gusts
Average Wind Gusts nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
gustspeedavg1.9 mph Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Average Surface Wind Gusts
Average Wind Gusts nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
gustspeedavg1.4 mph Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Wind Gust Maximum Surface Wind Gusts
Maximum Wind Gusts nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
gustspeedmax12.3 mph Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Wind Gust Minimum Surface Wind Gusts
Minimum Wind Gusts nearest World Meteorological Organization standard height of 10 meters
gustspeedmin0 mph Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Photosynthetically Active Radiation at surface
rad_photo844 micromol/m2s Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Surface Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation at surface
rad_total438.2 W/m2 Observation
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Average Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Average Photosynthetically Active Radiation at surface
radavg_photo450.45 micromol/m2s Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Average Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Average Photosynthetically Active Radiation at surface
radavg_photo418.76 micromol/m2s Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Solar Radiation Maximum Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Maximum Photosynthetically Active Radiation at surface
radmax_photo1924 micromol/m2s Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Minimum Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Minimum Photosynthetically Active Radiation at surface
radmin_photo0 micromol/m2s Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Average Surface Solar Radiation
Average Solar Radiation at surface
radavg_total231.68 W/m2 Average (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Average Surface Solar Radiation
Average Solar Radiation at surface
radavg_total210.52 W/m2 Average (23 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly
3:00 PM Sep 16 2024
(1 hour ago)
Solar Radiation Maximum Surface Solar Radiation
Maximum Solar Radiation at surface
radmax_total1033 W/m2 Maximum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)
Solar Radiation Minimum Surface Solar Radiation
Minimum Solar Radiation at surface
radmin_total0 W/m2 Minimum (24 Hours)
Obtypes: Hourly, Minute
4:10 PM Sep 16 2024
(5 min ago)