API ArgumentsThis API is designed to be used for power users or for applications that require large amounts of data. To modify your request, URL arguments are used.To form a API Data Query, there are currently 5 required arguments, along with additional optional arguments.
The 5 Required Arguments areTo find out more information about all required and optional arguments, use the Help page.

Forming Your RequestThere are two ways to build your URL strings:

  1. The Query Builder is available for those wanting to customize a list of arguments. This will take you through a step-by-step way of creating your API query. It is recommended to use this when you are first building your query
  2. A Help Page is available for details about each argument.
    NOTE: You can also add "&help" to the data request page to show a customized help based on your arguments. See an example here.
In addition, there are a few other pages that will help you build your query

Testing Your RequestIf you'd like to test your request to get the estimated number of data points, you can:

Replace /data in your generated URL with /estimate
API Examples
    Please note: A user hash needs to be added to the URL to use the following examples

  1. For daily precipitation for all COOP stations in North Carolina for the past two days

  2. Show a Map of Minute ECONet Air Temperatures and Precipitation over the past 10 minutes

  3. For yesterday's hourly temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit every hour from Raleigh/Durham International Airport (KRDU)

  4. For yesterday's high temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit from ASOS stations in North Carolina

  5. Get a JSON file of yesterday's total precipitation in millimeters from ASOS stations in North Carolina

  6. Get an CSV file of yesterday's hourly relative humidity and dew point temperature from Lake Wheeler Road station (LAKE) in Raleigh, N.C.

  7. Show a chart of Observed Precipitation Every 1 Hour at Raleigh, Charlotte, Asheville, and Wilmington Airports Over the last 3 days

  8. For any of yesterday's hourly temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit from Raleigh/Durham International Airport (KRDU)

  9. Get an Excel file of yesterday's hourly relative humidity and dew point temperature from Lake Wheeler Road station (LAKE) in Raleigh, N.C.