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Information: If a request is too large, split it up by using multiple API calls, each with fewer parameters, locations, or with smaller date periods
Notice: If the Date Interval exactly matches the observation frequency, at most 1 observation will be used per interval. This may cause the max/min/avg values to be identical.
API Arguments- Example: &int=1 hour&obtype=H (An Interval of 1 Hour and Hourly observation frequency)
- hash: User Hash Code
Required Argument
Unique string assigned by the State Climate Office that identifies each user. You may lookup your hash by logging in here.
To use, add the following line to URL: &hash= - loc: Location
Required Argument
Conditions to limit stations in the format "key=value1[,value2,]". Multiple key-value pairs may be joined with a semicolon (;) to require all conditions. Use double pipes (||) to act as an OR clause.
Default value: location=LAKE
Examples: "LAKE" OR "location=LAKE" OR "state=NC;type=ECONET"
To use, add the following line to URL: &loc=location=LAKE - var: Variables
Required Argument
Specifies the desired variables requested, seperated by commas. Go to the list of parameters
Default value: temp2m,precip1m
To use, add the following line to URL: &var=temp2m,precip1m - start: Datetime Start
Required Argument
Start date and time of the chosen period. Valid formats follow those used for PHP's strtotime function. View the PHP date format syntax.
Examples: "8am -1week" OR "2016-10-01"
To use, add the following line to URL: &start= - end: Datetime End
Required Argument
End date and time of the chosen period. Valid formats follow those used for PHP's strtotime function. View the PHP date format syntax.
Examples: "now" OR "5pm" OR "2016-10-10"
To use, add the following line to URL: &end= - int: Time Period Interval
Time interval (or frequency) to request the data from. Can be "any", "all", or any valid time string that follows PHP's strtotime function. View the PHP Datetime format codes.
Default value: any
Examples: "any" OR "all" OR "1 day" OR "12 hour" OR "1 hour"
To use, add the following line to URL: &int=any - obtype: Observation Type
Limits the data to use the desired observation types. Values are in a comma delimited list. In the output, a plus sign indicates multiple obtypes were used
Default value: D,H,O
Options:- D: Daily
- H: Hourly
- O: Minute
- S: Special
To use, add the following line to URL: &obtype=D,H,O - output: Output Format
Format of the data output from the API.
Default value: html
Options:- chart: Chart: Web-Based Interactive Chart using Highcharts. Includes options to export graphic.
- csv: CSV (Default: Wide): Comma delimited text output (Wide form, multiple parameters per row)
- csv_long: CSV (Long): Comma delimited text output (Long form, one parameter per row)
- csv_wide: CSV (Wide): Comma delimited text output (Wide form, multiple parameters per row)
- geojson: GeoJSON: Geographical Javascript Object Notation
- html: HTML: Web-viewable output (HTML5)
- json: JSON: Javascript Object Notation
- leaflet: Leaflet: A web-based map based on Leaflet. Includes map layers and a table output
- map: Map: Web-Based Interactive Map using Highmaps. Includes options to export graphic.
- xls: XLS: Microsoft Excel format
- agg_int: Aggregation Period Interval (if set)
Aggregation Time interval (or frequency) to request the data from. Can be "hour", "day", "week", "month" or "year". Note that the attributes starting with "agg_" will need to be used
To use, add the following line to URL: &agg_int= - agg_stat: Aggregation Period Statistic (if set, requires agg_int)
Aggregation Statistic Used. Choose either "sum", "min", "max" or "avg"
To use, add the following line to URL: &agg_stat= - loc_date_limit: Limit Locations Only Within Dates
Limit locations to only those with period of records that overlap with the user defined start and end dates ? 1=Yes, limit. 0=No, show all stations.
Default value: no
Your value:
To use, add the following line to URL: &loc_date_limit=no - type: Data Type
Type of data is output? Either 'data' (default) or 'meta'
Default value: data
Options:- data: data
- meta: meta
- :
- missing: Missing Value
Value to assign to any missing values.
Default value: MV
To use, add the following line to URL: &missing=MV - qcfail: Value Fails QC
Value to assign to any data that fails quality control
Default value: QCF
To use, add the following line to URL: &qcfail=QCF - na: Not Available
Value to assign to any attribute that is not available
Default value: NA
To use, add the following line to URL: &na=NA - na_agg: Aggregation Statistic Not Set
Value to assign to any data that is not available due to the agg_int value being set
Default value: NO_AGG_STAT
To use, add the following line to URL: &na_agg=NO_AGG_STAT - attr: Variable Attributes
For each parameter, determine what attributes to output. Format is a comma-seperated list. Only used for CSV and HTML output.
Default value: location,datetime,var,value,unit,score
Options:- location: Location of data
- datetime: Datetime of observation
- timezone: Timezone of observation
- var: Requested Variable
- name: Name of variable
- value: Value of variable
- value_accum: Accumulated value of numeric Variable over entire request (increasing with time)
- unit: Unit of value
- score: Quality Control score of value
- flag: Flag of value
- nettype: Network Type Code
- vartype: Variable Type code
- paramtype: Parameter Type code
- obtype: Observation Type Code
- obnum: Number of observations used
- obavail: Total number of observations available in the interval period
- obexp: Number of observations expected based on the interval
- agg_int: Aggregation Interval Used
- agg_stat: Aggregation statistic used. Only valid when agg_int is set.
- agg_num: Aggregated number of values. Only valid when agg_int is set.
- agg_max: Aggregated maximum value of Numeric Variable.Only valid when agg_int is set.
- agg_min: Aggregated minimum value of Numeric Variable. Only valid when agg_int is set.
- agg_avg: Aggregated average value of Numeric Variable. Only valid when agg_int is set.
- agg_sum: Aggregated summed value of Numeric Variable. Only valid when agg_int is set.
- agg_accum: Aggregated accumulated value of Numeric Variable. Only valid when agg_int is set.
- obtime: Time of observation
- height: Height of value
- obmin: Minimum observation datetime used in value within interval period
- obmax: Maximum observation datetime used in value within interval period
- pdstart: Starting observation datetime allowed in interval period
- pdend: Ending observation datetime allowed in interval period
- diff_sec: Difference in seconds between observation time and valid datetime
To use, add the following line to URL: &attr=location,datetime,var,value,unit,score - attr_delim: Attributes Delimiter
Character to use between different attributes in a variable's output. Only used for CSV output.
Default value: ;
To use, add the following line to URL: &attr_delim=; - multi_delim: Multivalue Delimiter
Character to use between multiple values in a single value field.
Default value: +
To use, add the following line to URL: &multi_delim=+ - cols_delim: Column Delimiter
Character to use between different columns in the output. Only used for CSV or HTML output.
Default value: ,
To use, add the following line to URL: &cols_delim=, - rows_delim: Row Delimiter
Character to use between different rows in the output. HTML defaults to "<br/>\n".
Default value: \r\n
To use, add the following line to URL: &rows_delim=\r\n - dry_run: Dry Run Mode
Estimate the number of data points without pulling data 1=Yes, 0=No (Default 0)
Default value: 0
Your value:
To use, add the following line to URL: &dry_run=0 - metadata: Metadata Output
Display metadata in output? True displays, false does not. Only used for CSV or HTML output.
Default value: yes
To use, add the following line to URL: &metadata=yes - data_limit: Data Limit
Restricts the data to show only the "first" or "last" datetime. Default is none (no restrictions)
Default value: none
Options:- first: first
- last: last
- none: none
- date_restrict: Datetime Restriction
Restricts the output based on datetime criteria. Default is none
Default value: none
Options:- first: first
- last: last
- recent: recent
- none: none
- qclimit: Quality Control Limit
Sets the maximum quality control (QC) score for values in the output. QC scores range from -1 (not available), 0 (good value), 1 (likely good value), 2 (likely bad value), or 3 (bad value). A quality control limit of 1 (default) includes only data with QC scores of -1, 0, and 1
Default value: 1
Options:- -1: Unavailable
- 0: Good
- 1: Likely Good
- 2: Likely Bad
- 3: Bad
- date_partial: Show Partial Datetime Periods
Show partial datetime periods? If true, show additional interval(s) that extend (but include) your end datetime, Example: If you request data every 3 minutes 12:00 to 12:05, setting to true will show data at 12:00, 12:03, and 12:06. Setting false would only show 12:00 and 12:03. Default is False
Default value: no
Your value:
To use, add the following line to URL: &date_partial=no - order: Data Output Order
Order of the keys of the data, or how the information will be arranged. Options are "location,datetime" (default) or "datetime,location"
Default value: location,datetime
Options:- location,datetime: location,datetime
- datetime,location: datetime,location
- debug: Debug Mode
Show detailed information about the API process? 1=Yes, 0=No. Use with caution.
Default value: no
Your value:
To use, add the following line to URL: &debug=no - sql_debug: SQL Debug Mode
Show detailed SQL information about the API SQL commands? 1=Yes, 0=No. Use with caution.
Default value: 0
Your value:
To use, add the following line to URL: &sql_debug=0 - timefmt: Time Format
Output time format. Valid formats follow those used for PHP's Supported Date Formats. View the PHP Datetime format codes.
Default value: auto
To use, add the following line to URL: &timefmt=auto - timezone: Timezone
Timezone to output the data in. Valid formats follow those used for MySQL's Supported Timezones.
Default value: US/Eastern
Options:- US/Alaska: US/Alaska
- US/Central: US/Central
- US/Eastern: US/Eastern
- US/Hawaii: US/Hawaii
- US/Mountain: US/Mountain
- US/Pacific: US/Pacific
- info_start: Information Line Prepend
Character to use to start every line of information output, not include data or metadata. Only used for CSV or HTML output.
Default value: ##
To use, add the following line to URL: &info_start=## - metadata_start: Metadata Line Prepend
Character to use to start every line of metadata output. Only used for CSV or HTML output.
Default value: ##
To use, add the following line to URL: &metadata_start=## - outfile: Output File Name
Filename of the output.
To use, add the following line to URL: &outfile= - map_height: Map Height
Height (in pixels) of map output. Only used when map is the output format.
Default value: 550px
To use, add the following line to URL: &map_height=550px - map_width: Map Width
Width (in pixels) of map output. Only used when map is the output format.
Default value: 1500px
To use, add the following line to URL: &map_width=1500px - map_var: Variable on Map
Labels each point on a map with the chosen variable (Defaults to location ID). Only used when map is the output format. Go to the list of parameters
Default value: location
To use, add the following line to URL: &map_var=location
API Examples
Please note: A user hash needs to be added to the URL to use the following examplesLink